Friday, September 10, 2010

Many things changed

I forgot when the last time I posted something to my blog, but I remember that my last post must be a year or 2 years ago, I posted when I'm bored and nothing to do. Actually, sometimes I really-really want to share something, to share what happened on me and other stories with all of you, but I can't realize that feeling, because I always busy with many not-that-so-important things on my life.

Well, I think now is the best time to begin a new blog, and I will make it easier to blog so I can always post something whenever I want and whenever I can.
Ok, start with what changed within this time. I'm at the third semester on Communication Science major, if you ask me how fun my major, you will get a disappointing answer, this is not that fun. Maybe Communication Scince comes up with a really fun major with many projects, without any theories and just taught about communication things, I must say sorry before, you are totally wrong.

Firstly I also got the same perspection about Communication Science as many people get, I thought that was an amazing major that just taught about things around art, communication and act, but I was totally disappointed when I stepped into first semester next year. The only things about communication was just the students who always fun and also sooo welcome (I'm not talking about my oh-so-freak senior, I'll tell you later) they made my major more interesting. Then the rest was just boring lessons about many things and yes, it was theories. I got "Antropologi" "Teori Komunikasi" and other lessons that same as Social Major on high school, in some reasons I felt that I was wrong have chosen this major. I'm down, I didn't get any thing that make me love this major, except the people inside it. 

When I was totally bored and the voices inside my head said that I must go away from my campus and choose another major or maybe just stop in a while then continue studying when I'm ready. As the thought comes up, I got other problem with some of my friends, it made me more sure about leaving this campus. 
I pleased my mom, because she's the one that forbade me to stop and continue to other campus or major. My mom knows that communication is the only major that I can handle well, I got many talents on this major, just I'm not professional enough to jump into the society. We bargained until she agree with my decision to ask permition for stop in a while and continue when I'm ready. But then I also share my thaught with some of my friends, almost of them said that I better finished my major first, because I will spent my age useless if I move into other major or campus. 

After a long time, come the time is arrive, I must make fast decision about it, then I decide to continue this major. I'm happy at first, but after I go through half of the semester, I can't handle myself again, the things stuck on "bored-level" and I'm craving for move into Jakarta, a place where people can respect me from the way I dressed. 

Yes, sometimes my style become one of the reason why I hate my campus, some senior insulting me with their words just because my style, but that was MY style, so who cares? hahaha.. 

Ok, I've just tell you one thing that changed, there's many things that changed, my home, my friends, and many many things! 

I will tell you later. Now is 2:49 AM, I don't want my insomnia come back, so I must go to bed now.. bye readers! have a great day! :)

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