Sunday, September 12, 2010


There's new accident by racism people at Indonesia, then victim is a pastor of one Christian church at Bekasi. The pastor was stabbed by stranger riding motorcycle, they stabbed the pastor then go away, people around there which is the part of the church was so shocked, then the pastor carried by the police that is the guard of the church to the nearest hospital, but in his way to the hospital some strangers (different strangers) thrown him with rocks and sands. The pastor died in the afternoon. Also one other man got a serious injury in his head too because hitted by racism strangers too. Complete news read here.

The point of this case is, in fact there is many of people who keep on racism, hate other religion and believes but proud of their own, and assume that theirs is the best of all. I'm not saying that was false, who isn't proud with their religion? no one. Everybody should proud with their own believes, but nobody can be this selfish to hurt somebedy else which is have different religion with them. 

Then after the accident, people oin my Blackberry Messenger started to change their Profile Picture into black, pure black and some with word "Solidarity" at first I think this is great, people show how their respect and simpatic to other person who bein a victim of racism, until I got a Broadcast Message said this :

Teman2 yg baik..klo ada yg dpt BBM utk mghitamkan foto profil utk menyatakan sipak simpati/duka atas kejadian yg menimpa jemaat HKBP Bekasi (oenusukan thdp pendeta), itu hny awal, dr tindakan provokasi,utk memecah Indonesia,krn dg cara itu perbedaan ditekankan. Ga percaya liatlah contact list kalian..bukanlah yg hitam membedakan diri seakan2 membuat kelompok sendiri? Apakah itu mnrt kalian benar? Kita bkn Kristen, Islam, Budha, ato pun hindu. Kita Indonesia! ini duka Indonesia. Jd pikirkan lagi,sblm hitamkan fotomu

I realized, I'm just like hit by something so hard. This is true. If we want to make a change, to make a great solution we shouldn't make any distances between what is true and what is wrong, everything is true or everything is wrong. We are one. I believe that. 

I can understand how the rest part of the church feeling, I'm a catholic too, I can feel scare with the situation, and I can feel how sad if that happened on my church. But I can feel more about this nationality, we always proud of Indonesia, but we always forget too that Indonesia is just not us, Indonesia formed from many differences, whatever our religion is, whatever our skin-tone is, whatever our believes is, we are one, we often forget about this one. We life together in here, we have relation from one to another, however they treat us, this is land where we borned. We just same, there must be a strong reason why they did that to our brother, we just must know what is that, maybe this is related with 9/9 memorial and the plan of a pastor from USA who wanted to burn Moslem's holy book to commemorate the 9/9 incident. But the plan already cancelled right? 

We must understand if they're angry, but in the other hand, they must know the situation also, I believe that there's no religion thaught bad to their followers, every religion is good. If that, they must be not called "religion" but "rebellion". The only bad side just come from the people, religion can't have any sin, they thaught to avoid sin itself, the people who are don't have strong faith in it, they just think that they were the most rigth people in the worldm then they use the name of religion to make any problems, they yelled their religion name out loud, you what dudes, your religion isn't proud with you, you just ruin their name.

Then what is the only reason to do all of this? the people itself. If we understand how to keep going with many differences but one destination, if we can tolerance with many differences and respect each other, this accident will never happened. Why we must make any noise if we can life happily ever after (I'm not assume that happily ever after is only from fairytale, there's many version about this). Why we don't understand that if we do something it will going back to us in the other day, and if you started a crime, it will back return to you and continuing until the end of your life. 

So start a new life, believe that we aren't need to make any score to make it draw, God will punished who were false and they will take care by Him, not by us, we don't have any rights to punished them. Our right is just spread the love and being kind to everyone to show them who we are, to show them that we are one, its start from ourself, so don't ever think to influence others and lead them to the right attitude, each person have their right higehst point themself, so we can forced them to follow us, just started from ourself, start spread the real love, spread the best attitude that show we are one, start being more patient and reduce our anger, if we do it right, other people will see us and they learned from us, they will understand how to save this country, then they will automatically follow what we did without any coercion, they will do with their opened heart so the spreaded love will me more truthful. 

Believe this, from now, there's nothing different, we are different by look but not by the inside, we are the same, we are one, we are Indonesia. 
Case closed.

fyi : there is a lot of things I wanna talk with you about this problem, but I have no time. I must wake up earlier tomorrow morning, I'm gonna go back to my second hometown, I will post it another day with Indonesian languange, because I can talk longer and deeper from what I've been thinking of. See you!

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